Inside a systematic review of 33 studies involving 385 pregnant women with COVID-19 infection, 3.6% were severe cases and 0.8% reached critical status, 17 ladies required mechanical air flow and one died. ranged from 36 to 41 cycles having a median of 40. Vaginal delivery occurred in 94% of the cases and only 6% underwent a cesarean section, always for Loratadine obstetric reasons. No fetal transmission was observed and maternal and neonatal prognosis was superb. Conclusions During epidemic episodes in asymptomatic women in labor, common screening with RT-PCR (considering Ct dedication), and the detection of antibodies, permits a better interpretation of the results and prevent unnecessary isolation methods. strong class=”kwd-title” Key-words: SARS-CoV-2, RT-PCR, specific antibodies, cycle threshold, delivery, screening RESUMEN Objetivo El objetivo de este estudio sera evaluar, en mujeres asintomticas que acuden a urgencias en trabajo de parto, el valor de la deteccin sistemtica con una combinacin de reaccin en cadena de la polimerasa con transcriptasa inversa Loratadine (RT-PCR) y umbral del ciclo (Ct) y anticuerpos sricos. Material y mtodos Desde el 6 de mayo, todas las mujeres ingresadas em virtude de parto espontneo se sometieron a RT-PCR en hisopos nasofarngeos y anticuerpos especficos IgG del sndrome respiratorio agudo severo por coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2) en suero que se realizaron como parte de la atencin clnica de rutina en nuestra institucin. Se registr el Ct de la PCR. Analizamos las primeras 100 mujeres admitidas consecutivamente em virtude de parto espontneo en nuestra institucin. Resultados Nueve mujeres fueron positivas em virtude de SARSCoV-2 en muestras nasofarngeas (9%) y 13 (13%) presentaron anticuerpos especficos positivos del coronavirus. En general, la exposicin previa a SARS-CoV-2 fue del 15%. La determinacin de Ct (prueba de RT-PCR) de nuestros 9 pacientes positivos vari de 36 a 41 ciclos con una mediana de 40. El parto vaginal se produjo en el 94% de los casos y solo Loratadine el 6% se someti a una cesrea, siempre por razones obsttricas. No se observ transmisin fetal y el pronstico materno y neonatal fue excelente. Conclusiones Durante los episodios epidmicos en mu-jeres asintomticas en trabajo de parto, las pruebas universales con RT-PCR (considerando la determinacin de Ct) y Rabbit Polyclonal to CDC25B (phospho-Ser323) la deteccin de anticuerpos, permiten una mejor interpretacin de los resultados y evitan procedimientos de aislamiento innecesarios. strong class=”kwd-title” Palabras clave: SARS-CoV-2, RT-PCR, anticuerpos especficos, umbral del ciclo, parto, valoracin Intro Existing info on SARS-CoV-2 illness during pregnancy and delivery is still scarce and fragmentary [1]. Isolated instances, or small series of ladies with upper respiratory tract symptoms are usually reported, and the general idea is definitely that the situation does not significantly increase the risk for either mother Loratadine or infant [2,3] However, the scenario Loratadine may not be as beneficial as it appears, and in a series of 23 pregnant women with COVID-19, 2 required admission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and one ended in ECMO therapy. Inside a systematic review of 33 studies involving 385 pregnant women with COVID-19 illness, 3.6% were severe cases and 0.8% reached critical status, 17 ladies required mechanical air flow and one died. [4]. Cesarean sections were performed in 69% of instances and vaginal deliveries in 31%. It is clear, consequently, that COVID-19 is definitely far from being an innocent disease in pregnant women and its presence should be monitored [5] On the other hand, the large majority of the information concerning SARS-CoV-2 and pregnancy has been generated from symptomatic ladies and there is doubt as to whether or not systematic testing of asymptomatic mothers admitted for natural birth delivery is definitely adequate [6,7] The potential benefits for common testing approach include the ability to use COVID-19 status to determine hospital isolation.